Many thanks to Ian Watt from the Community Council for all his hard work in researching which one to purchase and for arranging Scott from Logan Electrical Services to install it. Scott did a very efficient and professional job for us and is highly recommended.
We have the Cardiac Science G5 defibrillator which is one of the best available on the market. It is really intuitive and talks you through what you need to do, so no need for training or to be apprehensive.
When you call 999 if the operator thinks you require a defibrillator they will give you location and the code to open the box as the defibrillator is linked to the network. An ambulance will be dispatched at this time. Take the orange box and the attached kit. Send someone else if possible so you can give the patient CPR if required.
We hope that it will never need to be used but we are happy that we have it there if anyone needs it.
Please remember there is also still one at Kirknewton Village Shop too if the shop is open and that is closer to you.